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About Huehuetenango
In San Antonio Huista, around 140 smallholders with an average farm size of 1 ha. live remotely in towns at altitudes between 1200-1600 masl., where crops are diversified with hibiscus and fruit trees. Cooler temperatures because of altitude slows fermentation, which more often occurs overnight. Cherries are separated by density in washing channels and then laid out to sun-dry before the last of the remaining mucilage is washed off. San Antonio Huista represents an important commercial hub for surrounding towns, including a Farmers' Center that caters to all producers in the vicinity, who make the trek here to sell their coffees and buy supplies. By Catalogue.
New Batch!
In San Antonio Huista, around 140 smallholders with an average farm size of 1 ha. live remotely in towns at altitudes between 1200-1600 masl., where crops are diversified with hibiscus and fruit trees. Cooler temperatures because of altitude slows fermentation, which more often occurs overnight. Cherries are separated by density in washing channels and then laid out to sun-dry before the last of the remaining mucilage is washed off. San Antonio Huista represents an important commercial hub for surrounding towns, including a Farmers' Center that caters to all producers in the vicinity, who make the trek here to sell their coffees and buy supplies.
Country: Guatemala
Region: Huehuetenango
Altitude: 1500 – 1800 masl*
Varietals: Bourbon, caturra and pache.
Process: Washed and fermented up to 48 hours
Grain Pro: Yes
Cupping notes: Caramel, stone fruit, sweet chocolate
*meters above sea-level