Unroasted - Brazilian Peaberry

Unroasted - Brazilian Peaberry

Regular price $8.33
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Farm: Da Serra and Santa Terezinha
Region: Sul de Minas
Process: Natural - Anaerobic Fermentation
Altitude: 790-1010 masl*
Varietals: Mundo novo, Rubi, Red catuai, Yellow catuai, Topazio, Acaia
Screen Size: 15+ Peaberry separation
Drying Method: Sun-dried

*meters above sea-level


About Danielle Fonseca

Danielle Fonseca holds a degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering, is a Q-grader, co-founder, and vice president of Flowins. She is responsible for managing Fazenda da Serra. In partnership with Renature, Danielle led the project to raise funds for the implementation of two experimental agroforestry areas on the farm. Currently, the project is being expanded to benefit other producers, following the model practiced at Fazenda da Serra.

Cupping Notes: Yellow fruit, Red fruit, Spices, Milk chocolate, Hazelnut